In honor of Earth Day, I'm taking part in the #WipeforWater movement started by Neutrogena Naturals and The Nature Conservancy. It's essentially a campaign to support water conservation by taking a pledge to clean your face without using water - just the Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Makeup Remover Cleansing Wipes - for 3 days. Especially with this California drought going on, I think this movement is a great and easy collaborative way for many of us to contribute to such an alarming cause. In addition, Neutrogena Naturals will donate $1 to The Nature Conservancy for each pledge to support water conservation.
Not only do these Neutrogena wipes cleanse my makeup-filled face thoroughly, but they also leave a cooling sensation that makes my face feel fresh and purified. It also has a pleasant herbal scent that lingers for quite a while. Drop by your local Target or drugstore to pick up a pack and help support this cause!
I highly encourage you all to participate in this movement and make the world a slightly better place!
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